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    Clip Description


    Reporter made a scoop and is kidnapped as involved people are trying to stop the publication of the article. She is forced to record a video message to her newspaper asking to stop it. She's confident they will.

    Video fades back in, after a few hours, and she's going to be beheaded by sword because the article wasn't stopped. They will send her head to the newspapers, in a box.

    Very good effects

    Starring: Altsiren

    Run Time: 7:53 minutes
    File Size: 353 MB Format: .AVI
    Category: Severed heads

    Clip Duration:      8 minutes
    Format Size
    avi353.78 MB

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Chloe Toy is naked in front of her audience; she is very happy to become a roast for you all, and before submitting her head she performs a tease using the sword on her naked young body... Posing and dancing with the sword which is going to cut her head off.
Then she kneels down, and gives the sword to the executioner; she stretches her neck, lets the executioner caress her body and neck with the blade. She is growing horny. Then, suddenly, a blows takes her head off and her body drops dead to the floor.

Scene fades back in showing the body laying face up on a butcher table, naked and spread, legs up and ankles tied to the ceiling. Her severed head hangs from the ceiling as well, tied by the ponytail, an apple in her mouth.
At that point her headless body gets oiled, on breasts, pussy and legs, including a mix of wide angles and POV shots. Finally, the usual carrot is inserted into her vagina. Almost ready for the oven!

Scene opens as an interview.  A woman has just arrived and is sitting on a chair, slowly and seductively crossing and uncrossing her legs.  She is wearing high heels and an extremely short skirt. Her legs are bare.  She is wearing a simple blouse with no collar.  The man in the scene sits across from her and explains the following situation:

He advises her that she needs to know that by her presence there is no turning back, now that she has seen and met him. The special service she sought from him is exclusive….that is why it is only advertised on the dark net and only after certain background checks and preventative measures have been met. She needs to understand that he will take precautions to ensure that she goes along with the agreement

She nods and acknowledges….

He responds that it is his understanding that she has a body identity disorder and she has come to him for his “unique” services.  Unique in that she longs to lose her head, something she couldn't possibly do herself. How hard would it be to cut one's own head off?  He is happy to help her with this and has the right tools to do this quickly and painlessly….for a price….but not to worry, they would take care of that later.

She tells him  that he is correct….that she has always believed that she should not have a head… and has been fascinated for some time over the idea of losing her head ….it scares her but excites her…and now she has become obsessed with it and wants to play out this fantasy.  

She wants to know what he thinks….what does he think of her? How will she look without her head?  Won’t her legs be accentuated by her heedlessness?

He compliments her figure and legs and tells her that she will look great without her head…maybe better even…this satisfies her and she agrees…she hopes this is the outcome.

He asks her put her hair up and turn in her collar (if she has one)…this is to avoid interfering with the blade. He has her stand up, and turn around and binds her arms and hands behind her back…she begins to protest a little, but he reminds her he wants to ensure that she doesn’t change her mind. She is compliant resolved to her beheading and even excitedly looking forward to it.

He leads her to the guillotine. It is set up for a kneeling beheading…the basket is not yet attached.  He lets examine it…he points out that he has to install the basket to catch her pretty head. She asks for him to not use the basket…she wants the sensation of her head rolling.

 She is nervous….she wonders if it will hurt….will her head remain conscious?  She thinks she’ll look pretty hot without her head….

He has her sit on the guillotine plank…she crosses her legs…trying to seduce him. 

She suggests that once she is headless, she doesn’t mind if he uses her…she notes he has been admiring her legs, and suggests how exciting it will be for him to get between them once she is helplessly headless.

She hopes he’ll use both her body and her head to satisfy himself. He admits this turns him on, but he’ll have to wait until she is headless. She opines that she’ll be equally enjoyable without her head.

 He asks her if she is ready and she agrees.  She pauses for a moment kneeling before the blade, Then submissively allows him to position her in the guillotine. The lunette closes on her neck. She is resolved and content.  She tells him how she can’t wait for him to take her head…

 He then unveils to her that he intends to sell her body and her head as sex toys once she is headless…she didn’t really think he was going to take all the risk without a bigger reward?

Unexpectedly, she is very turned on by this idea. She muses over how she will look headless, how this seems like such a good use for a hot headless body, and hopes that whomever he sells it too will enjoy both her head and her body.

The scene drops back and we see her in the guillotine from the side. He kneels beside her and asks if she is ready…she begs him to behead her. At this point, she wants him to hurry up and get the beheading over with…she simply says “behead me, please.”

The blade drops....and the head falls into the basket. We see the body twitch and the legs kick a couple of times.  He removes the basket while the headless body remains on the guillotine, occasionally twitching…then still
The movie ends in NBM style, with her headless body posed on a chair, hands still bound, with her legs crossing and uncrossing seductively.


Italian real Mistress Divina Desiree has been condemned to the guillotine after a life of domination and pleasure. Dressed in a teasing teacher style, she is now alone with the executioner. She gets wirsts and ankles tied, she is strapped to the bascule. The executioner also fantasizes about cutting her shirt exposing the shoulders, and then ripping it down exposing her bare breasts... Back to reality, he has to lay her down, arrange her neck in the lunette, release the blade, and we see her headless body convulsing and spasming, making the creepy sound of the heart spurting blood out of the neckstump
Run Time: 8 minutes
File Size: 260 MB 	Format: .WMV
Category: Execution


Hannah has a death fetish and wants to die. She tried hanging herself before but that didn't work out. She sits on a chair, crossing het beautiful legs frequently while her executioner explains that there will be no return. He orders her to stand up so we'll see her sexy body. She's a bit nervous now when the executioner ties her arms and tapes her wrists. They're talking about what he's going to do with her body afterwards. He explains her that this would be the last time to use her mouth for a blowjob. He takes out his dig and Hannah sucks his cock wth pleasure. He puts her into position on the guillotine and she starts blowing his dig again. She's not wearing panties and we'll get a nice view of her shaven pussy.

Her last words are: "BEHEAD ME NOW" and we'll see the blade dropping and her head explicitly falling into the basket.

A Masterpiece !!

Starring: Hannah
Keywords: guillotine, headless, execution, oral, willing, surreal
803 MB


Kelli (K) and Lauren (L) are sitting in the room on the sofa. Both are surfing something in their smartphones.

L: Look! My photos have twice more «likes» then yours!
K: Oh, it’s only because you make mostly selfies of your nice body. All my headshots have more «likes» than yours. If you make more headshots you won’t be as popular.
L: Nonsense, my head would be much more beautiful than yours even if it is shot without my body.
K: Oh, My head would be more beautiful than yours even if it is CUT OFF my body! (moves the finger across her throat)
L: Never, my severed head will look much more beautiful than yours!
K: Let’s bet! I know the execution agency nearby. We can go there, they will behead us and then make photos of our severed heads. We’ll see who gets more “likes”!
L: I agree, let’s go.

Both girls are in another room together with the Executioner (E).

K: Hello. We would like to have our heads chopped off and then photos of them should be posted online.
E: No problem. We can do it right now.
K: How will you behead us?
E: I usually use a sword for it.
K: OK, what shall I do?
E: Just kneel here.
Kelli kneels. Executioner takes the sword and makes a mark at the back of Kelli’s neck. Then he raises the sword preparing for the blow.
K: Wait, please! If you chop off my head now it will fall on the floor and I can hit my face. Then I certainly loose the competition. Is there any other way to behead me?
E: Well, you can place your head on the chopping block and I will cut it off with the axe.
He leads Kelli to the block, helps her to kneel and lay her head on it (to the position like pic 2).
K: Oh, it’s much better (She puts her hands behind the back). You can behead me now.
Executioner makes a mark with the axe at Kelli’s neck and then decapitates her.
L (looking at Kelli’s severed head): Oh, it’s not so beautiful. Now is my turn.
She kneels before the block and places her head on it at the same position.
L: Please, chop off my head now. Make a blow right here (she shows at the middle of her neck with her hand, then puts her hands behind the back).
Executioner makes a mark and then beheads her.

At the end both severed heads are on the floor.

Starring: Kelli, Lauren
Keywords: Axe, Headless, Surreal, Willing


a MUST for sword fans!

Winter's Master has decided to get rid of her slave and get another one. So, after a bondage session, he tells her that he's going to roast her. Winter does not complain, she accepts her fate, and lets him tie her up again with ropes, to be prepared for the tin. It's a sensual sophisticated bondage scene, during which she makes sensual expressions of total submission.
Finally, she is tied tight and held up by her arms; her neck is stretched forward, ready for the cut - But, before that, the Master caresses her neck and face with the sword, and Winter delivers some orgasmic expressions... Then he makes his mark, and with one single blow he chops off Winter's head.

The effect is PRETTY good, we see the head coming off and falling down, as her body remains suspended by the arms, headless...

Starring: Winter
Keywords: execution, bondage, surreal, sword, willing

Run Time: 10:48
475 MB


Chloe is sentenced to the execution by beheading. However she is not afraid but even excited with this.

Executioner: Chloe, for your crime you are sentenced to the execution by beheading.
Chloe: Oh! Beheading. How nice! I hope my severed head will be beautiful. How are you going to chop off my head? (she moves her finger through her throat)
Executioner: I will use an axe for this.
Chloe: Oh, great! An axe! One blow (she makes a blow at her neck with her palm) and my severed head will roll on the floor. Shall we go to the execution place?
They come to the place with the chopping block.
Chloe: Oh, the chopping block. Should I lay my head on it?
Executioner: Yes, please, kneel and place your head on the block.
(Chloe comes to the block)
Chloe: Well, I think I would like to place myself face up. So I will see the axe coming to may neck (she shows the blow at her throat with her palm).
(She kneels back to the block and tries to lay her head face up).
Chloe: No, it's not comfortable...She turns to the block and lays herself on it face down
Chloe: Oh, not...it's not good too. I think I have to take the traditional position. (she comes from another side of the block, kneels and lays her head on it)
Chloe: Ok, Now it's nice and you can cut right her (she show the blow at her neck with her hand). So I'm ready. You can chop off my head now.
The excutioner makes a mark at her neck and beheads her.

Starring: Chloe Toy
Keywords: execution, axe, willing, surreal

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